Friday, December 28, 2007

It's about time!

I felt that it was about time that Weston realize what having 3 daughters really involves. He has avoided the inevitable long enough. Tonight he learned the joy of doing their hair! I gave him a lesson on the art of girl hair dos and don'ts. I'd say he did pretty good for a first timer.

Annie was brave enough to go first and was a little impatient but did fairly well.

Molly gave him a taste of the dreaded "Hold still!!" statement that is used at least 10 times through out the course of this, most fun, time of the day. He hung in there and had a pretty successful outcome.

Weston even let me put some "piggy-bands" in his hair so that he could have a full understanding of what we go through each day as mothers, daughters, and women. I love my husband. Isn't he the best!!


Anonymous said...

Mimi here - do you make appointments? Pretty good bud!